Tag Archives: Acrostic

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Poetry Friday Tag

Today’s Poetry Friday (PF) hostess is Michelle Barnes at “Today’s Little Ditty.”

Yes! Today’s PF hostess is the same illustrious Ms. Barnes who generously hosts a monthly “Spotlight on” author interview, complemented by a monthly poetry challenge.

It is in response to Michelle Barnes’ April/Poetry Month Ditty of the Month Club (DMC) challenge, that I created two “echo-based” acrostic poems.

The first echo photo-poem  (a combo acrostic-haiku), posted last week.  In that first one, the echo was aural; this time the echo is visual…Here’s how the second poem evolved.

With “Poem in Your Pocket Day” (PIYPD) imminent (April 21st this year), my thoughts reverted to last year’s event and to a particular first grader who kept a copy of her favorite poem in her pocket well past PIYPD.

“I love my pocket poem,” she proudly announced in the library one day. “I know it by heart.”

Then pulling the copy of the poem from her pocket (for moral support, or back-up, I suppose), but without reading from it, she recited “by heart”:

“I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,

And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.

He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;

And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.”

(The remainder of Robert Lewis Stevenson’s My Shadow can be accessed here.)

That child’s high-spirited recitation has stuck in my mind, emerging as the inspiration-genesis for echo poem number two, in which the “echo” is a visual one.

My intent was to create a light-hearted poem, a la Stevenson’s, in which the echo, the shadow, was the child’s visual-projection playmate.

That was my intention…

However, what got projected was more than just the physical shadow. What got projected, as well, as the poem went on, was my deep-seated emotional shadows about having been a relatively playmate-deprived only child…And then, having found the sophisticated (un-childlike) shadow photo used in the photo-poem below, the poem took on an adult life-perspective of its own, with projected “playmate” becoming “companion.”

Here, then, in the context of the adult/”heavy” dawn photo, is the second “echo-inspired” (rather morose, actually) acrostic poem.


pf echo shadow chosen by cmkh (2)


Many thanks to Michelle for another invigorating DMC challenge.

And thank you, too, to the PF community for any comments, including suggestions for improvements, you might generously share in response to either/both echo photo-poems.

(My retrospective wonderings concerning this second echo-poem include these two: might/“should” I have capped the initial “c” in “companion,” and might/”should” I have referred to “my” darkness, rather than “the” darkness?)


BTW, I never was a shadow connoisseur as a child (hmmm….perhaps if I had been, I might have felt less lonely!), though I did enjoy creating shadow puppets before falling asleep now and then. Now, as an adult, I really do get a great kick out of seeing myself reflected in the shadow that my car, with me in the driver’s seat, casts–straight ahead of me–at a certain time of the day and year (when that is, I really can’t recall/tell you for sure, but I believe it is Metro NY Fall mornings).

Am wondering…Did you have a childhood shadow playmate/buddy?  (Such a childhood friend couldn’t really be classified as an invisible friend, could it? …And do shadow friends, do you think, match the gender of the shadow-maker? Or can the shadow-maker decide the echo-friend’s gender? …In that regard, I half-expected the first grader to change Stevenson’s “him/he” to “her/she.”)

To all those who take time to read this post:

May your shadows always be welcomed, cooling sunlight-respites, not unwelcomed, spiritually-deafening sunlight-blockers!

Anticipatory Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day for next Thursday!

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Poetry Friday Tag

Today’s hostess is Laura at “Writing the World for Kids.”


In response to Michelle Barnes’  DMC for April/Poetry Month, I’ve created two “echo-based” acrostic poems.

The first echo photo-poem (a combo Haiku-acrostic), I do believe, was inspired by last week’s PF host, Amy VanDerwater’s reference to Wonderopolis and their posting of owl wonders.

It no doubt also helped the creative process that I am an inductive-approach teacher, whose family limits her to eight questions per day. Thus, by putting two questions in the mouth of my owl-subject, I rejoice in surreptitiously asking two extra questions every time I see this post!

Sorry to say, since the difference in color or feathers between male and female Barred Owls is nonexistent, and there was no other owl with whom to judge if the one pictured below is “fatter/heavier, fuller faced,” and ergo a female (sorry, ladies:), I couldn’t tell for sure if the Barred Owl featured in the photo is male or female.

Exercising poetic license, I opted to assume the owl was female rather male or neuter for these two reasons. In line two, “her” sounded much smoother than “its,” and the owl is vicariously me–though I’m more apt to ask what, where, when, why, how, and really, in keeping with my favorite inquiry words.

owl (2)

The second echo photo-acrostic poem will be the focus of next week’s PF post.

BTW, what is your favorite inquiry word?

Wee Ones’ Christmas Eve Wishes

In the Christmas world of wee children, some things never change….(Thankfully!) …Children still believe in the limitless possibilities of love, personified by Jolly Old St. Nick, a.k.a. Santa Claus, who shares presents in celebration of the birthday of the Christ Child Who loves us all, at every age and stage of our lives…no matter what!

santa Adventsbeleuchtung3

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eve Wishes




in the night



many presents


Santa, too, safely by sleigh, for an unseen shimmy down the chimney.


Hope Santa will be good to the grownups, too!

p.s. If you are awaiting the Christ Child’s Birth, or if you are open to receiving greetings in honor of His Birthday celebration next Friday when the Poetry Friday community again shares poetry, please accept this Christmas “card” I found in Wikimedia Commons for you and your family:

chrISTMAS 800px-Blessed_are_the_peacemakers

By ary29 (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or CC BY 2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons                                                                                                                                                             Note. There are variations of this greeting in Italian, French, Spanish, and German: Scroll to the bottom of the page; Christmas Greetings

Lily: Living up to Her Name-Acrostic

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Laura P. Salas is hosting the round-up: http://laurasalas.com/blog/

Creating an acrostic for a poetry assignment this week got me remembering another acrostic—one I composed this past April.

A first grader—daughter of a former student of my husband’s—was dying of a rare form of cancer. Besides the connection I felt through my husband, I felt my own connection with the child. As a kindergartner, she had won her school’s poetry contest. (Not that I ever won that distinction, but loving poetry from my youngest years—that would be something we had in common.)

Given the child’s tenacious response to her cancerous plight, the watchword for her fundraising campaign was fittingly based on the words of another poet:

shakes p for lily croopped (2)William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

In response to the heart-wrenching news of the child’s Easter Monday “death” (Her family prefers to think of her release from the pain and infirmity that held her captive—free to be forever joyously alive with God.), I set about to write an acrostic in her honor.

The resultant poem “frightened” me—in an awe-struck way–in that the name-acrostic seemed larger than life—the life of hers that just had passed peacefully into eternity.

How poignantly the poem proclaimed what had been the child’s defining response in the face of adversity…As if her given name, the name she answered to for three months’ short of seven years, held the secret of who she truly was (in contradiction to the apparent namesake-connection with a delicate flower), as well as what was heart-breakingly, and equally inspiringly, to become her legacy in the ongoing fight against childhood cancer…

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If you feel inspired to learn more about this purple-loving little Shakespearean protégé, here are some links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lilylarueanderson

