About cbhanek

Greetings!  Thank you so very much for taking time to find out about the authors of this blog.

As you might not have guessed, “cbhanek” is the pen name of a mother-daughter team of teacher-authors. Between us, we have taught language arts-literature to every grade from preschool through adult school.

Although our tastes and interests in particular literary genres and authors are not the same, the depth and breadth of our bedrock love of literature and words pretty much is the same!

Whether you are a parent, teacher, media specialist or bibliophile, we hope that our musings inspire you to deepen, broaden, and share your love for reading with the significant others in your life, especially the next generation.

In particular, if you are a parent who feels unqualified to be your child’s first and foremost reading teacher, we especially want to reach out to you. Please know that we always are happy to share particular words of encouragement and advice, as well as practical strategies to help you engage naturally and confidently with your children’s reading experiences.

We hope you enjoy our “Quick Thinks about Literature and Life” and welcome your comments and insights.

Here’s to literature and to life (the same thing?). God bless you!


2 responses to “About cbhanek

  1. Pingback: Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Challenge #Review 64. 50 #Poets & over 70 #Poems | ronovanwrites

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